Friday, March 12, 2010

Myla's 3rd Litter - Day 18

There were so many pictures of these two taken for this post. And, I had a quite hard time choosing these 12 selected images. Hope you'll enjoy them. In a day or two, these young ones will be ready for sale.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

LM Animal Farms - Classic Hamster Food

Since the supply of Vita Vittles for my hamsters have run out, I tried to get it from Pets Wonderland. But, they also don't have it. So, I bought another hamster food from LM Animal Farms, Classic Hamster Food. The Myla's babies have been given with the new food and they seemed to enjoy it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Jojo - New Female (and also new mother)

I bought Jojo about a month and a half ago. The pattern of white and argente color that made me bought her. She was put alone before then mixed with Sam (after he mate with Myla). And the result, Jojo gave birth to 5 pups yesterday. Sadly, one died. I think this is the first litter for her.

Myla's Babies - Day 9