Sunday, November 7, 2010

Larry & Molly

It's been a while I haven't posted posts about my hamsters. Some of you have asked on my youtube about the latest updates of my hammies. At the moment, I have only a pair. The male is Larry (aged almost a year, from my own previous hamster's litter, Myla's). The female is Molly, just bought it last week. I forgot to ask the guy what is her age. All hope for them to produce a litter soon.

Video of Larry and Molly

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jojo's 3rd Litter - Day 4

I don't know why Jojo always given birth to a single pup lately. A few weeks earlier, she had a delivery failure resulting the death of her pups which I think about 3 of them. This time, I hope she will take care of her pup well and it grows to be a cute hamster.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

R.I.P. - Daisy

A few days after her introduction in this blog, Daisy died. I'm not sure what has happened because she was doing well before I found out about her death.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jojo's Second Litter

Before I mixed Larry with Daisy, he earlier was mixed with Jojo. And, as a result, Jojo gave birth to only one pup three days ago. The images below taken on the second day after birth.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Larry & Daisy

Larry is a male hamster from Myla's first litter. I decided to keep him because of his color pattern and he's very healthy. While Daisy, she's from Myla's latest (third) litter. At the moment, I mixed them together after I've done it for Larry and Jojo.

Larry & Daisy

Friday, March 12, 2010

Myla's 3rd Litter - Day 18

There were so many pictures of these two taken for this post. And, I had a quite hard time choosing these 12 selected images. Hope you'll enjoy them. In a day or two, these young ones will be ready for sale.