Monday, November 30, 2009

Myla Giving Birth

As I mentioned in earlier post to put the video of Myla giving birth, and here it is. The video contains only the delivering of second and third pups only. Enjoy it!

Friday, November 27, 2009


I've bought a new female, Myla, quite for a long time together with another male albino and was put together. The male has been let go because I want to reduce my hamsters' number.


The good news now is she just delivered 9 pups yesterday. Up till now, all still survive. I'm a bit worried that her 9 pups would make 'been sucked dry'. But, we'll see how it goes. I will put the video of she delivering the pups in a few days here. Below are images of Myla and her pups.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Moments Of Sam

Sam is a cute and fun hamster to watch. I can just watch him doing things for as long as I can. His look is one of the reasons I get him from the pet shop. Here are a few moments of him captured. Enjoy them!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Belle's Coat Color Change

Belle is an all-black female hamster. Lately, I noticed the coat color on her back is changing to somewhat gray or white. But I'm glad to discover that she may be pregnant after mixed with Sam.

Belle - Then

Belle - Now