Sunday, September 13, 2009

Farewell Jack, Ben and Lizzy / Welcome Joy

As Hari Raya Aidilfitri approaching, my adult hamsters are getting less in number. Jack and Lizzy have been given to my friend and sadly as for Ben, he died yesterday, maybe because of his age. At the moment, I have 3 females, Belle, Hera and a newcomer Joy. Joy actually a pup from my earlier adult hamster, Snow. I sold her to my friend and he gave me back because he wants to cut the number of hamsters that he owns.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Belle's First Litter

Last Tuesday, Belle finally managed to give birth to 4 healthy pups. Guess Ben is not so bad after all at being a stud hamster. The images were taken on the first day of birth.

And these taken today, the third day after birth.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Golden Hamster - Hamster Mixed Seed

I've been using this snack for a very long time. Even though the name states golden hamster (as for syrian), but campbells also enjoy much of it. Usually, the hamsters will go for the sunflower seed and a small ball of snack. Once they got the small ball, it will be enjoyed alone and sometimes the hamsters will fight to get it as there isn't much of it in the packet.

The clip below shows my earlier baby hamsters fight to get the snack ball.