Monday, October 31, 2011

Julie's Second Litter

After her first litter, Julie directly after that mixed with another male, Stuart. About a week after that, I noticed her belly was getting bigger. As she was suspected pregnant, I separate her apart from Stuart. The day after she gave to birth 11 pups, the biggest number of pups I had so far (before was 9). Two of the pups died, left 9 until today.


Julie & Her Second Litter

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Max, Julie & The Pups

After quite a long time, we manage to see the birth of new pups through Max and Julie. Julie gives birth to 9 pups, 3 cannot make and left only 6.


Julie & The Pups

The Pups

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Larry & Molly

It's been a while I haven't posted posts about my hamsters. Some of you have asked on my youtube about the latest updates of my hammies. At the moment, I have only a pair. The male is Larry (aged almost a year, from my own previous hamster's litter, Myla's). The female is Molly, just bought it last week. I forgot to ask the guy what is her age. All hope for them to produce a litter soon.

Video of Larry and Molly